Last week, I chaired the subcommittee on Senate File 49, which relates to bots and the purchase of event tickets on the internet. These bots ruin the chances of people obtaining tickets by flooding websites selling tickets, clogging up the servers, and taking all of the tickets. These tickets are then usually re-sold with a huge price markup. Senate File 49 works to prohibit the use and creation of bots to purchase more than the posted limit for any ticket sale, or circumvent any queue or waiting period to purchase tickets. The bill will be discussed in the Technology Committee, and if approved will be sent to the floor for debate.
Kerry Gruenhagen
The House Public Safety Committee has started the year fast with multiple subcommittees on various issues. Below are a few of the bills discussed.
Gary Mohr and Mike Vondran
We have been hard at work in each of our committees. In our Natural Resources Committee, five bills were assigned to various Representatives this week. House File 65, a bill relating to deer depredation, was assigned to Reps. Collins, Sexton, and Kurth.
Norlin Mommsen
"This 'nation of immigrants' has forgotten our origins, and slammed the 'golden door' firmly behind us ..."
"Perhaps learning more about minorities and offering diversity, equity and inclusion policies would actually be a better idea than reducing services and coursework focused on more than half of the country’s population. What are these folks afraid of ..."
"If inflation hurts Americans, especially the poor and the aged, why do we keep electing people who don’t know that ..."
You would think career politician, former Clinton County Board of Supervisor, and former City Council member, Tom Determann would understand local budgets and constituent services. As a …
Kay Pence
Jan. 26, 2000: North Scott superintendent Pat DeLuca recommended a study committee be established to conduct a needs assessment for a pool in Eldridge. “I’ve heard talk about an indoor pool, an outdoor pool, a competitive pool, a diving pool. I think we should go through the needs assessment before we make any recommendations,” he said. The needs assessment would also include focus groups of residents.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
Several years ago, I started taking more of an interest in my local community and how we could make it better. My husband, Frank, and I are the proud parents of four incredible children, and we wanted to make sure they had the best education, the resources they needed to succeed, and a community where they could grow and thrive. Wanting the best for my kids, and for families across Iowa, is why I decided to run for Iowa Senate.
Katie Whittington
Sometimes in life an event occurs that causes someone to say, “enough is enough.” In my case, there have been legislative attacks on the people I’ve served in public education for the past 40 years as a teacher, coach, bus driver, maintenance worker, administrator and board member.
Mike Zimmer
January 2025 marks Slavery and Human Trafficking Prevention Month, a crucial time to shine a light on the ongoing issues of exploitation and trafficking, particularly in Iowa. Disturbingly, the average age of individuals affected by sex trafficking is just 15 years old, with a staggering 89% of victims being female. This reality calls for urgent action and support for survivors.
Maggie Tinsman
Q: What are you doing to stop human trafficking?
"Get ready for hell on wheels. I hope our country can survive it ..."
"Democracy has survived many challenges, and today it is strong. Thank you President Biden ..."
"The Princeton Presbyterian Church and the Princeton community have done so much to prepare its young people for the journey ahead. The church will be missed, but certainly will not be forgotten ..."
"If you want to be proud of Iowa education again, Mike Zimmer will work for you and get the job done. As a teacher, administrator, and school board member, he understands school finance and has the experience to lead our state forward ..."
Jan. 16, 1985: Moline native and world-renowned drummer Louis Bellson and the Northern Illinois University jazz ensemble played a concert in the North Scott Fine Arts Auditorium. The North Scott jazz bands served as a warmup act. The students also had the opportunity to attend workshops with Bellson and members of the NIU band during the day.
Compiled by Erin M. Gentz
"The dedication and talent of the North Scott Choir, along with the guidance of Mr. Skyles and Mrs. Potts, are a true testament to the value of the arts in our schools and community ..."
"Katie’s conservative values very much qualifies for the job ..."
"Whittington is worrisome to our Iowa farmers, whom she will be representing in rural Clinton, Jackson, and Scott County. Farmers want freedom to farm, not more legislation ..."