346 results total, viewing 101 - 120
"Let us all please reevaluate the image we are projecting. And starting this moment, with God’s blessings and grace, make adjustments to shine light to those in our world ..." more
Oct. 17, 1984: The Eldridge City Council proposed a new ordinance limiting where satellite dishes could be constructed at residences. “All we want to do is regulate where the dishes can be located, and basically we’re saying they can only be placed in rear yards in residentially zoned areas,” said Eldridge city administrator Don Sandor. The council was also looking at an ordinance requiring protective enclosures or fences for outdoor whirlpools and hot tubs. more
The National Weather Service recently consolidated and renamed winter weather events. Wind Chill Watch/Warning/Advisory will be consolidated into Extreme Cold Watch/Warning and Cold Weather Advisory. Hard Freeze Watch and Warning will be consolidated into Freeze Watch/Warning. more
"A bike path connecting Park View and Eldridge.  A bike path would be used by many with various activities and needs ..." more
"There’s an adage that goes something like this: As we think about out how to live our life, we should think about what we’d like others say about us at our funeral ..." more
"Ken is committed to provide essential services and is passionate about preserving our beautiful parks and attractions. He continues to serve the citizens of Scott County with relentless energy since first being elected in 2016 ..." more
"Bobby knows what he is doing and whether you think his style is too strong, it is this very personality that gets things done ..." more
"Before you vote this year make sure you are not giving away your daughters right to play sports and compete on an equal basis with other females ..." more
"Trump expects his people to give his continuous lying a pass ..." more
"Rep. Kaufmann understands that safeguarding animals is not only a moral responsibility but also a public safety issue ..." more
"Matt Trimble is asking Scott County voters to elect him our next County Auditor. His campaign promises greater integrity and competence than Kerri Tompkins, the incumbent. A comparison suggests Kerri is the more qualified candidate ..." more
"I have had the privilege to work alongside of Rep. Bobby Kaufmann for the past two years. During this time I have come to respect Rep. Kaufmann greatly ..." more
"Please vote for Rita Rawson for Scott County Supervisor. she is an excellent choice ..." more
"We need a supervisor who will work hard on behalf of the taxpayers to maintain quality services and envision our county's bright future, and that person is Ken Beck ..." more
I experienced my first Farm Progress Show two weeks ago, taking in the sights and sounds of the three-state exposition near Amana on a leisurely afternoon with my dad. It was a memorable September day for both of us. more
Oct. 13, 1999: Plans for a controversial apartment complex near Sheridan Meadows would move ahead after the developer withdrew plans for a rezoning of the property, which was already zoned for multi-residential. For now, according to Eldridge economic development director Dick Kvatch, the developer planned to begin grading the land and would request a building permit for an initial 88 units. Opponents of the project said they wanted the city council to control Eldridge’s growth. more
Donald Trump has suddenly found a new cause: John Deere workers. more
The first full-time newspaper job I took after graduating college in the early 1990s resulted in the biggest disparity between what I would be paid and how hard and long I had to work in my entire career. more
State Auditor Rob Sand recently did what no statewide elected official in Iowa has done in a long time – he brought attention to problems in nursing homes. more
"Donald Trump portrays immigrants as drug dealers, child traffickers, or low-wage workers. He never discusses the immigrants coming here who start companies ..." more
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