140 results total, viewing 1 - 20
John Glenn Elementary staff shared what they considered to be one of the school’s biggest strengths: building connections. more
On Feb. 10, North Scott Choirs will be hosting the State Jazz Choir contest in the high school auditorium.  Each school participating will receive a rating based on their performance.  more
Some say a small school district can’t provide a great education for students, has trouble keeping good teachers and simply isn’t smart for a community. But don’t tell that to a Bennett Bomber! more
The Bennett School District will host two public hearings in February on a proposed adjustment to funding strategy that will provide long-term flexibility and a lower tax rate for property owners. more
Iowa community college leaders told lawmakers Monday they’re hoping to build on progress made last year in providing colleges equitable funding and ensure continued support of statewide programs that help both colleges and students. more
Iowa lawmakers have advanced a bill that would require Iowa schools to replace in educational materials any references to the Gulf of Mexico with “Gulf of America” and “Denali” with “Mount McKinley.” more
The Scott County, Iowa, Democratic Party is excited to announce the availability of the Kirschbaum-Fitzsimmons Scott County Democrats Scholarship. This scholarship honors the lives of two of the county’s best known and best loved elected officials. more
Parents and caregivers wishing to open enroll their children in North Scott Schools are reminded that the deadline for open enrollment for students in grades 1-12 is March 1. more
The Neil Armstrong Lego League team competed in the state qualifying meet Dec. 7 at the Putnam Museum and advanced for the second straight year to the state finals to be held at Iowa State University in February. more
The Iowa House of Representatives’ new higher education committee is considering various bills aimed at diversity, equity and inclusion at public, private and community colleges, as well as legislation to review and change academic programs and requirements. more
Gov. Kim Reynolds introduced legislation to restrict cellphone use during instructional time in Iowa K-12 schools. more
A fantastical world of whimsy awaits audiences this weekend, as Lancer Productions presents Roald Dahl’s “James and the Giant Peach” in the North Scott Fine Arts Auditorium. more
The smell of fresh paint and sawdust still hung in the air as Neil Armstrong students filed into their new gymnasium on Jan. 22. Older students climbed into the collapsible bleachers, as the lower grades sat on the wood floor. more
Iowa Secretary of Agriculture Mike Naig is already looking forward to his next visit to North Scott's Regional Innovation Center. more
As the North Scott School District works to update its strategic plan, superintendent Joe Stutting says he is looking for feedback from families. more
The Scott County, Iowa, Democratic Party is excited to announce the availability of the Kirschbaum-Fitzsimmons Scott County Democrats Scholarship. This scholarship honors the lives of two of the county’s best known and best loved elected officials. more
While the North Scott Childcare Program has started to turn a corner, it’s not fully out of the woods yet. more
Two Iowa lawmakers have urged the Iowa Board of Regents to deny the University of Iowa’s request to form a new school that would include programs in African American studies, gender, sexuality and women’s studies, Native American and Indigenous studies and more. more
The Quad City Symphony Orchestra is pleased to announce that Nicolas Propes, North Scott Junior High band director, has been named the inaugural Quad City Symphony Orchestra (QCSO) Music Teacher Award winner for the 2024-2025 school year. Nicolas was nominated by fellow music educator at NSJH, Ashley Knobloch. Propes will be recognized at QCSO events throughout the season and will receive two Masterworks Season Subscriptions as a thank you for his dedication to music education in the Quad Cities. more
North Scott school resource officer Garrett Jahns and Music Boosters Carrie LaPlante and Beth Ann Anderson were honored with Lancer Pride Awards. more
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