118 results total, viewing 81 - 100
North Scott schools FFA's 2024 growth prepares the chapter for next year with a record sized junior high class eager to don bigger blue jackets. more
A Washington County Iowa State research farm will host this year’s extension summer field day, June 26, featuring the installation of a bioreactor, and research on sulfur requirements for soybeans. more
WASHINGTON — Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack, on a call with reporters May 22, strongly criticized a farm bill draft written by U.S. House Republicans, saying it would damage the coalition that traditionally has united behind farm bills and “raises the real possibility of being unable to get a farm bill through the process.” more
The June 1 deadline for eligible Iowa farm owners to apply for Century or Heritage Farm recognition is quickly approaching, and the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is encouraging farm families to apply today. more
The U.S. Department of Agriculture announced Tuesday $300 million in funding for more than 60 groups seeking to diversify American agricultural exports. more
The U.S. House Agriculture Committee Friday released the draft bill text of the long-awaited $1.5 trillion farm bill, which is likely to face opposition in the Senate from Democrats due to disagreements over federal anti-hunger programs and climate change requirements. more
Some farmers who rely on satellite data to plant their fields were delayed in recent days by a geomagnetic storm, according to field agronomists who have been monitoring corn and soybean planting. more
WASHINGTON — The commissioner of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration said at a congressional hearing Wednesday the agency is preparing for the possibility the strain of avian influenza affecting dairy cattle could jump to humans, though he cautioned the probability is low. more
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is accepting applications through May 24 for water quality implementation and demonstration projects. Selected projects will help deliver outreach and technical assistance to farmers and landowners to advance the implementation of conservation practices proven to protect and enhance water quality. more
Dairy cattle infected by avian influenza in recent months have surprisingly large amounts of the virus in their milk but little in other bodily fluids, according to tests by the Iowa State University Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory. more
Science-minded North Scott FFA students scored well at the Iowa FFA and State Science Fair competitions this year. more
Supervisors approved the second expansion of a confined hog feeding operation in Cleona Township. more
Another wet week helped lift parts of Iowa from drought, and the remaining dry conditions are predicted to continue to ease into the summer. more
Cinnamon Ridge Dairy Farm is among 20 Iowa dairies awarded Choose Iowa Dairy innovation grants totaling $750,000. more
Supervisors of Dickinson County voted unanimously April 16 to implement new restrictions on the placement of carbon dioxide pipelines to create larger buffers between them and people and animals. more
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship is accepting applications through May 24 for water quality implementation and demonstration projects. Selected projects will help deliver outreach and technical assistance to farmers and landowners to advance the implementation of conservation practices proven to protect and enhance water quality. more
Warm soil temperatures and favorable weather have allowed farmers across Iowa to start planting corn and soybeans this week, according to several field agronomists. more
The Iowa Barn Foundation spring tour showcases 11 barns in southern Black Hawk and northern Tama counties, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., Saturday and Sunday, June 22 and 23. more
Olathea Creek Winery in LeClaire is among 26 Iowa organizations awarded Choose Iowa grants to expand business and services. more
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