118 results total, viewing 61 - 80
The U.S. Department of Agriculture has awarded Iowa State University roughly $750,000 to improve water quality through woodchip bioreactors. more
Nebraska Attorney General Mike Hilgers and Iowa Attorney General Brenna Bird joined two farmers and state agricultural officials in Omaha Aug. 7 in drawing a line in fertile soil. more
Seven Iowa farm families will be recognized as recipients of the 2024 Way We Live Award at the Iowa State Fair. Nominations included descriptions of how living on the farm and choosing farming as an occupation has shaped the family's life. These families exemplify values derived from hard work and a love of farming. more
Complete results of the Great Mississippi Valley Fair! more
Learn how to establish and maintain perennial prairie vegetation, Tuesday Aug. 20 at Bryan Sievers’ farm near Stockton. Iowa Learning Farms, in partnership with Horizon II Climate-Smart Partners, will host the field 5:30-7:30 p.m. at the Sievers’ farm, 26618 20th Ave, Stockton IA, 52769. The federally funded event is free and open to farmers and landowners and includes a complimentary meal. more
Tens of thousands of farmers or would-be farmers who say they suffered discrimination when they applied for assistance from the U.S. Department of Agriculture will get one-time payments that total about $2 billion from the federal government. more
Grasshopper activity in field crops has picked up recently, and these jumpy insects and their defoliation have caught the attention of crop scouts and agronomists across the state. Grasshoppers tend to thrive under dry conditions, and although most areas have received adequate moisture in 2024, consecutive drought years have likely led to higher than usual populations. This article discusses identification, scouting and management of grasshoppers in corn and soybeans. more
Something looked funny, then felt funny when Gary Kaasa lifted the hatchling from its Mississippi Valley Fair incubator. more
One line at a time, Gary Bein scrawled couplets of Mississippi Valley Fair history in the shirt-pocket notebook he keeps for just such occasions. more
GRAND ISLAND, Neb. — There were no ifs, ands or bucks about it when Rilynn Buesing, Stockton, Iowa, grabbed the grand champion steer banner at the 25th annual VitaFerm® Junior National Hereford Expo “Grand Daddy of ’Em All,” on July 10 in Grand Island, Neb. more
Grandview Farms will add a deep pit beneath a gestation barn on a slab, and modify another barn to increase confined feeding by 187 animal capacity units, or 2.8 percent of current capacity at the Dittmer’s Sheridan Township home barn site, 12090 240th St. more
The Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship anticipates a record calendar year for progress toward the construction of Department-sponsored water quality wetlands within Iowa. more
State, federal and local agencies, in conjunction with farming industry groups, will host a one-day Agriculture Recovery Center in Cedar County, noon to 8 p.m., Thursday, July 25 to help Iowans recover from spring tornado and storm damage. more
Elevate your knowledge of the pork industry with the most current knowledge on emerging industry topics at the 2024 Iowa Swine Day. Organized and provided by the Iowa Pork Industry Center at Iowa State University, this event brings together renowned speakers from the U.S. and around the world to address the developing challenges that the swine industry is facing. This year's event is set for July 25 at the Iowa State Center in Ames. more
The stalemate over the current farm bill may be solidifying a new era in farm politics. It extends a trend of delays and partisan division — a contrast from the legislation’s history of bipartisanship. more
Along the dusty roads of Wheatland, without any clouds to dull, the sun burned the backs of the market cows. But in preparation for the fair, four heifers for breeding and showing relaxed in an air-conditioned box. more
Every day begins when the sun barely announces itself at the edge of the plains. Fifteen year old Andy Klindt is feeding the livestock. He scoops the different feed to alleviate whatever deficiency the two cows and three sheep have and tosses it into their troughs. The animals relax in their pens in the barn basement with fans blowing into their faces. more
CRAWFORDSVILLE, Iowa – Iowa State University Extension and Outreach and the ISU Digital Ag Innovation Lab are partnering to offer a new workshop as part of their "Research to Rows" series focusing on Drone (UAV) Technology on July 30 at the Southeast Research and Demonstration Farm near Crawfordsville. more
The $1.5 trillion farm bill is unlikely to advance this year as debates over SNAP benefits stall efforts to pass the bill for the second year in a row. more
State agriculture officials will test dairy farms for bird flu if they are near a poultry flock that is infected by the disease, the Iowa Department of Agriculture and Land Stewardship announced Friday. more
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