Local Government
218 results total, viewing 1 - 20
Eldridge council members are considering a property tax hike that some say is needed to cover capital projects and more staff. more
The water tower on the east side of Highway 61 in Eldridge could look very different by summer. more
Tired of winter weather? Warm up with a variety of delicious homemade soups, sandwiches, desserts and beverages, 4:30-6:30 p.m., Sunday, Feb. 23 at McCausland United Methodist Church, 210 Hughes St., McCausland. more
The city is in the midst of budget planning right now. We thought this article might be of interest.  Since we are not mailing out a newsletter this month, we are sharing it here. more
Scott County supervisors are scheduled to consider a new parking ban around the Bettendorf Soccer Complex at Scott Park Road and 210th Street, to discourage parking on shoulders, which is creating a hazard. more
Martha Nieto slipped out of Monday night’s city council meeting just before it began. more
A roundabout is once again part of the conversation in Eldridge, this time on South 1st Street. more
More than 100 new home sites line curved streets and cul de sacs in Dale and Jill Grunwald’s proposed fifth Winfield addition. more
Increased signage, more lighting, and additional sidewalks are just a few of the changes that could be coming to South 1st Street as the Eldridge City Council considers safety improvements to the corridor. more
Scott County supervisors will try again to eliminate standing water in the courthouse subbasement. They hired Reed Construction for $136,600 to tackle infiltration they now believe is from groundwater, not rainfall. more
The Eldridge City Council will hold off on any decisions regarding city management of detention ponds until at least March, when a lawsuit by residents of the Blackhawk Hills Condo Association is scheduled to move forward in court. more
Eldridge council members Monday gave up the park board's dream of building a recreational pond. more
Princeton Presbyterian Church surprised city council members with $16,000 in donations as a way to say “thank-you.” The church recently closed after having served the community  since 18 charter members launched it April 14, 1854. more
Princeton council members are prepared to borrow enough money to cover an estimated $2 million resurfacing of River Drive from end to end, and from the railroad tracks to the riverfront curb. more
A new traffic signal could be in place on LeClaire Road by late fall. more
Next month, supervisors are expected to hear details of a $56,010 space assessment done by Wold Architects and Engineers, hired by the board in June. more
Baker Tilly US, LLP has released an audit report on Scott County, Iowa. The County had local tax revenue of $375,642,082 for the year ended June 30, 2024, which included $19,401,214 in tax credits from the state. The County forwarded $356,240,868 of the local tax revenue to the townships, school districts, cities, and other taxing bodies in the County. more
Eldridge City Council members began conversations about detention pond maintenance at the Dec. 16 meeting. Although no decisions were made,  council member Brian Dockery said he wants to have the issue resolved by March, before spring maintenance begins. more
The Eldridge Utility Board decided to table further discussion of future chemical fluoridation of the municipal water supply. more
Drivers entering Long Grove will be greeted with their speed in 15-inch tall numbers. Council members bought three Shield 15 radar speed signs they hope will slow down in-town traffic. more
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